Renowned Tamil actor Ajith Kumar has issued a public statement urging fans to stop using the slogan “Kadavule Ajithey” during public events and gatherings. He expressed discomfort with such superlatives and prefers to be addressed simply by his name or initials.
Ajith Kumar’s Official Statement
On December 10, 2024, Ajith Kumar’s publicist, Suresh Chandra, shared the actor’s statement on social media. Ajith articulated his unease with the “Kadavule Ajithey” slogan, stating, “I am uncomfortable with superlatives or any kind of prefix mentioned alongside my name. I prefer being addressed by my name or my initials.”
Origins and Spread of the Slogan
The phrase “Kadavule Ajithey,” translating to “Oh God, it’s Ajith,” gained popularity after a viral interview clip. Subsequently, fans began chanting it at various public events, including concerts and sports matches, to express their admiration for the actor.
Ajith’s Appeal to Fans
Ajith Kumar appealed to his supporters to cease this practice immediately, emphasizing the importance of focusing on personal responsibilities and societal harmony. He stated, “My sincere request to everyone is to work hard, play hard without hurting anyone, look after your respective families & be law-abiding citizens. Live and let live.”
Previous Requests Regarding Honorifics
This is not the first time Ajith has addressed the use of honorifics. In December 2021, he requested fans and the media to avoid referring to him as “Thala” (leader), preferring to be called by his name alone.
Fan Reactions
While many fans respect Ajith’s wishes, the slogan has become a cultural phenomenon, even being chanted at events unrelated to the actor, such as political gatherings and religious ceremonies.
Ajith Kumar’s recent statement underscores his desire for simplicity and respect for personal boundaries. He encourages fans to express their admiration in ways that align with his preferences, fostering mutual respect and understanding.